0.1 START HERE: Preview Your Life of Vision and Action
Welcome to Mental Strength Training Using End Point Vision
INTRODUCTION: Build a Mental Model, Take Action, Observe Results
Do you have a sense of focus in different areas of your life?
- Relationships: friends, a loving partner, children
- Health: fitness, weight management, dealing with illness or a disability
- Career: a job you love, a vocation, working with your gifts
- Money: investments, lifestyle, security
- Spirit: art, awareness, peace, connection with creation
Or perhaps you have something you are training to excel in, such as a sport, a major definite purpose or a life passion.
An end point is the farthest you can see, or the moment of completion. End Point Vision (EPV) will help you build habits that develop the mental strength required to define a life vision, take action and get results.
A purpose is your intention or reason for being, generally something you aspire to excel at and that brings value to the world.
Learning Objectives:
During this preview lesson you will identify or clarify a vision for some part of your life (or lack thereof), and then assess how well your beliefs and behaviours support that vision.
You will experience the essence of End Point Vision (EPV) so you can visualize the benefits of committing to this course.
You can expect to experience a boost in clarity and motivation as a result of taking focused action, and/or the thrill (or fear) associated with commitment.
What type of habits or practices do you have in place to help you get organized and stay on track when you set a goal?
Download the Preview Exercises worksheet, or use a blank piece of paper to take notes.
Exercise 1: Assess Your Current Situation (:10 minutes)
Use the following scale to rate yourself. Be honest and go with your gut or first thought, rather than overthinking the answers: 1= No, 3 = Uncertain, 5 = Yes
1. I have a major purpose or vision for an area of my life. No 1—2—3—4—5 Yes
2. I have a clear plan for how to fulfill my purpose. No 1—2—3—4—5 Yes
3. My values and beliefs aligned with my purpose. No 1—2—3—4—5 Yes
4. I consistently behave in ways that support my purpose. No 1—2—3—4—5 Yes
5. I am confident in my results toward my purpose. No 1—2—3—4—5 Yes
Total your score _____
Divide by 5 to get your average score ____
- If a score or the average is 4 or more you are likely on track. EPV will support your success.
- If a score or the average is 2-4 you risk failing. EPV will help you fine-tune your purpose.
- If a score or the average is 2 or less, you lack focus. EPV will help you define your purpose.
Exercise 2: Experience the End Point…Now! (:10 minutes)
Now that you have assessed your current situation, complete this exercise to experience End Point Vision (EPV). Download the Preview Exercises worksheet or use a blank page for notes.
a) Create a Mental Model: Get a clear sense of your purpose or results for a specific event.
Take 5 minutes to visualize success in your mind’s eye like a multi-sensory movie. Describe it in words, handwrite it, mind map it, sketch it as a picture, draw symbols, say it aloud, act it out.
Write your EPV as a statement of action. Use positive present tense.
Example: I am sitting by a topical pool at noon on February 14. I hear the sound of the see and bids calling. I feel the warm air on my skin. I taste a cool refreshing drink.
Summarize your EPV in one word or a 3-5 word slogan. Repeat it to trigger your EPV movie. A memorized image, symbol, sound and physical movement or sensation can also trigger the movie to play. Example: Total Relaxation! [place your hand on your heart, deep breath, big smile]
b) Take Action Within 5 minutes. Commit to your vision or event. Within the next 5 minutes...take specific action toward your vision. Examples: Call someone, make a reservation, research something, make a list, schedule an action in your calendar that you will take within 24 hours or as soon as possible (e.g. 8:30 am on the next business day).
The bigger and more committed your action, the more interesting the next step will be.
c) Notice Results and Emotions.
Is your belief stronger? Do you feel anxious about committing?
Are you excited?, …scared?, …confident?, …confused?, …motivated?, …upset?, …engaged?, …resistant?, …blank?
- Belief/motivation/feelings before EPV?
- Belief/motivation/feelings after action?
This is the secret of the EPV system: The experience you have after taking action toward your vision is an indication of the degree to which you believe you deserve it and are willing to live it. If this idea excites you … great! If this idea is concerning or confusing … we invite you to keep an open mind.
The purpose of this course is to help you create a powerful vision that is truly yours, and align your values, beliefs and actions with your vision. That takes mental and emotional strength, and that is what you will learn through this course.
The following image describes the characteristics of culture using Edward Hall’s iceberg model. This model can be applied to help understand how your personal values and belief system affect your awareness and behaviour, and how these shape your life.
Did you experience the connection between action and feelings?
In this course preview you created a simple End Point Vision, took action and then experienced the effect of taking action. This may seem like a simple thing, but if it were easy, we would all be living our dreams. It seems that people’s values and beliefs do not always align with their behaviour and their behaviour may not align with their vision. The iceberg model shows how this affects our awareness.
The EPV course will take you through a step-by-step process for clarifying your vision and getting results in one life area. Then you will be able to apply this process to other life areas.
Use a blank piece of paper or use the link below to download the worksheet: EPV-0.1-START-HERE-Preview-Exercise.pdf
Apply It:
Celebrate/Share: What did you experience or learn from these two exercises?
1. Post an Observation About Your EPV Experience
Now that you have had some experience playing with your vision and taking action, please post a short comment so others can see what happens when people take action on something that is important to them. Putting it into words is way for you to anchor your learning.
2. Create an End Point Vision (EPV) in a different life area
See what results you can get by creating EPVs in different areas of your life. This will help you decide which life area you want to make the focus of your work during this program.
3. Apply to Participate in the Beta Test of This Course
Download and complete the Application Form if you wish to participate in the beta test for this course.